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Telestar TS IPCC Solution Product

CTI Meddle Ware

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  • CTI Meddle Ware

Teleworking, TELESTAR CTI SOLUTION connected to Operation Environment of Client Computer


TELESTAR CTI SOLUTION provides CAPI (CTI Application Provider Interface) so that work connection with client computer operation environment and teleworking is possible. This is an intelligent solution that provides comprehensive management function about distribution, statistic report, and comprehensive monitoring about the status of consultant’s phone use of the call center that provides opened interface to be connected to other company or type of switchboard.

CTI Monitoring

  • CTI 서버

CTI Statistic

  • 콜센터 모니터링
  • 통화현황

Main Function

Application Function and Role
Classification Application Function and Role
Consultation App Connection Standard API Provision Provide opened connection module on all developed tools applied to computing environment based on WEB and C/S of client
Provide POPUP function
  • Provide POPUP function
  • Possible of client information connection popup when connecting CRM client information
Real-time monitoring function Possible of real-time status inquiry on the number of stand by calls, maximum standby time, standby consultant, office line and extension status
International Standard Protocol Support SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) International Standard Support
Change support on Consultation Status Possible to change IP phone status and soft phone
Multi-skill routing Provide multi-still routing function
Line monitoring Monitor real-time trunk and extension along with group status
Call inquiry Inquire extension number standard call and monitoring on work status
User Statistic Search by group/extension and user data statistic
Trunk Monitor Provide graph monitoring on usage per trunk
Graph Statistic Provide statistic and graph monitoring per extension/group